Additional Applications - 1.0

Here you can find Additional Applications for PixieLive-1.0, ready to use!

Just put the lzm file you download in your PixieLive/modules (or PixieLive/optional) directory, and reboot.

(pay attention, if you put it in the optional directory you have to load it at boot with load=packagename cheatcode or double clicking it in nautilus)


Desktop Compositing:


Graphics Drivers:


  • R-2.10.1 with threads and laplack support


  • LaTeX (texlive, pdftex and all the stuff...)
  • Winefish-1.3.3 (lightweight LaTeX editor)
  • Texmaker-1.92: (require Qt4 libraries) a free LaTeX editor, that integrates many tools needed to develop documents with LaTeX, in just one application
  • LyX- (require Qt4 libraries) a document processor that encourages an approach to writing based on the structure of your documents (WYSIWYM) and not simply their appearance (WYSIWYG).
  • Evince-2.30.3+dvi-support: Evince with dvi support enabled (because Texmaker try to open dvi files with Evince by default, you can change it to xdvi in Texmaker settings and skip this module).
  • Aspell-0.60.6-r1 (spellcheck, base + english language) ("Save Aspell Dictionary" menu, to save your personal dictionary, included)
  • Aspell NON-English (it require Aspell-0.60.6-r1)
  • dos2unix-5.1 (tool for encoding conversion, can be used from Winefish)


Media Players:

  • MPlayer-vaapi-20100713: mplayer with vaapi acceleration, useful for Full HD videos and to lower CPU usage during video playback


Printing Servers:

Sound Editors:

System Monitors:

Text Editors:



Web Anonimizer:

Web Browsers:

Windows Emulators:

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