- Most Programs as separated modules
- Network Manager with VPN support
- Bradcom Wireless Drivers (additional module)
- LibreOffice
- BlueTooth modem support
- USB 3G modem support (additional module)
- TOR (optional)
included programs:
- adobe-flash-
- audacity-1.3.12
- chromium-10.0.648.133
- cwiid-20110107-r1
- deluge-1.3.1
- emacs-23.2-r2
- ffmpeg-0.6_p25767
- filezilla-
- firefox-3.6.15
- gimp-2.6.11-r1
- gnome-mplayer-1.0.0
- gnome-utils-2.32.0-r1 li>
- gparted-0.5.2
- gqview-2.1.5
- gtkam-
- gtkperf-0.40
- gvim-7.3.50
- imagemagick-
- inkscape-0.48.0
- libreoffice-3.3.1
- libva-0.31.1_p4
- liferea-1.6.5
- mesa-progs-8.0.1
- mplayer-vaapi
- openbox-
- opera-11.01.1190
- osmo-0.2.10
- pidgin-2.7.11
- skype-
- wine-1.2.1
- wireless-security-software
- zsnes-1.51-r2
Additional Modules:
- USB Modem and Broadcom Wireless Drivers
- wxGTK- needed to make audacity and filezilla to work, i forgot to include it into the release
fell free to test it and comment, more bug report ==> more bug fixes :-D
md5sum: 530a3859a2641124a7f9197e4ff36d4a *PixieLive2-RC1.tar
download --> PixieLive2-RC1
alternative download link (on free file hosting site): PixieLive2-RC1.tar
1 From asndo -
I cannot download it. It keeps stopping between 35-90%... :(
2 From Christian Lorandi -
try with some download manager which allow download resuming, like http://www.downthemall.net/
3 From Tanino -
@Christian Lorandi
Hi Christian,
I tried PixieLive-2.0 RC1 and unfortunately I couldn't connect to Internet by my 3G pen-drive, while with PixieLive1.1beta2 I can. Could you help me for this?
Best regards,
4 From Christian Lorandi -
tank you for the bug report, for unknown reason i did not include the module... and same thing for broadcom drivers... ops... you can download them from here
5 From Tanino -
@Christian Lorandi
Hi Christian,
now I can connect, but the touch pad of the netbook almost doesn't respond (the pointer moves with incredible difficulty).
Could you help me for this?
Best regards,
6 From Christian Lorandi -
was it working before the addition of the modem-and-broadcom.lzm ?
Which computer is it? Do you know the touchpad model?
7 From Tanino -
Hi Christian,
before the addition of modem-and-broadcom.lzm I remember there was the same type of problem but after such addition it became much worse.
I have an Acer netbook - AO751h. I haven't found the touchpad model.
Awaiting your feedback,
best regards,
8 From Christian Lorandi -
it's a strange behavior, have you checked the tar md5 before extracting it?
what i suggest is to start from the beginning, checking the md5sum of the downloaded file, format the pendrive, and then proceed with a clean installation, without the usb_modeswitch module, test it, then add the module and test again
9 From Tanino -
@Christian Lorandi
Hi Christian,
I agree with you, it is a strange behavior, with PixieLive-1.1beta2 this didn't happen on same netbook.
How can I check that
md5sum: 530a3859a2641124a7f9197e4ff36d4a *PixieLive2-RC1.tar ?
Thank you and best regards,
10 From Raf -
Hi Christian !
I'm a happy user of PixieLive 1.1b2 !
Thanks ! You do a great job !
I've tried to download with FF, Downthemall, and even wget the 2.0RC1 version of PixieLive but unfortunatly it doesn't work.
Can you help me ?
Best Regards.
11 From Christian Lorandi -
* open a gnome-terminal
* run "md5sum /path/to/your/PixieLive2-RC1.tar"
* compare the result with the one i published
i can try to upload it somewhere else, it's so strange... what is the problem? is the download stopping at some percentage?
12 From eric -
Hi Christian:
May I know which driver you used to support GMA500, can I migrate it to Fedora linux?
thank you
13 From Christian Lorandi -
the driver is the EMGD-1.5.2, i don't know about Fedora sorry
14 From Zak -
Any chance for the download link working? Would like to try it out. Have a Acer Aspire 0751h
15 From Christian Lorandi -
just started the upload, the download will be back in about 6 hours (slow ADSL...), sorry for the inconvenience...
16 From Tanino -
@Christian Lorandi
Hi Christian,
I checked the md5sum of the PixieLive2-RC1.tar file and I found it to be exactly the one you pubblished here above.
Best regards,
17 From Christian Lorandi -
download ready
18 From Christian Lorandi -
alternative download link: PixieLive2-RC1.tar
19 From Raf -
@ Christian Lorandi
Hi Christan !
Thanks !
I have downloaded the tar file, the md5 is correct.
I will try the hard disk installation on my EeePC 1101HA this evening.
Best Regards.
20 From Raf -
@ Chistian Lorandi
Hi Christian !
The hard disk installation was successful but when i open a term there is an error : "-bash: /home/pixielive/.bash_profile: Input/output error".
Is it because i have put "rw" on the kernel boot parameter ?
Best regards
21 From Christian Lorandi -
nope, the "rw" is needed, i just tried installation to HDD and it works fine on my computer (same model as your)
* which filesystem are you using on your partition?
* are you using persistent changes?
* could you post the bootloader configuration on http://pastebin.com?
22 From Raf -
@Christian Lorandi
I use a ReiserFS partition on my root partition (I have no separated boot partition).
I use persistent changes.
I have post my menu.lst on pastebin under the name "menu.list of Raf"
Best regards
23 From Alastair -
Absolutely fantastic! Thanks for including the eGalax touchscreen drivers. Works perfectly on my PsiXPDA / Eking S515.
24 From Alastair -
OK - spoke too soon!
It looks like the persistent changes option isn't working. On reboot the screen resolution is not remembered and I am prompted for a username and password.
It looked like the PixieLive changes directory was not specified correctly in bootmenu.cfg. I tried changing this to APPEND initrd=/boot/initrd.gz ramdisk_size=9000 root=/dev/ram0 max_loop=256 rw changes=/PixieLive2-RC1/ but still the same problem on restart.
Any ideas?
25 From Christian Lorandi -
sure, many ideas :-)
* you are right, i forgot to change the changes directory, but you already changed it in the correct way
* to set the right resolution for your device you can use the Xemgd=1111x222 cheatcode in bootmenu.cfg
* to avoid problems, i suggest to wipe the whole content of PixieLive2-RC/changes (while the system is NOT running) (after saving your data if there are some) and retry with the cheatcode
* which filesystem are you using? The answer for password is pretty strange, is it a clean installation or did you tried an upgrade?
26 From Christian Lorandi -
* you can safely remove some cheatcodes since they are no more needed (AllowSuspension, libva-update), but it seems ok
* the resume=/dev/sda1 is not needed if you have only one swap partition, it will find it automatically
* is it a clean installation or are you using an old changes dir?
* may be a filesystem problem, i will try with reiserfs and then i will let you know, but it would be strange
27 From Christian Lorandi -
i forgot to include wxGTK- into the RC1, it's needed to run audacity and filezilla, just download it and place it into the modules directory
Christian Lorandi
28 From Raf -
Problem solved ! My files ~/.bash_profile and ~/.bashrc were empty ! after I have created them no more error message.
thank you very much Christian.
PS : another bug i noted (since PixieLive 1.1) the file /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/org.freedesktop.devicekit.power.policy must be created for deleted a boot or shutdown (I don't remember) error message.
29 From chris -
I downloaded the file, uncompressed it and followd the instructions to make it bootable on a usb stick.
It's not working, the computer does not boot from it. I tried it on linux and windows. I checked if the partition is bootable on the stick, and it is.
So what did i do wrong?
Greetings, -chris-
30 From Christian Lorandi -
boot from USB should be enabled in the computer BIOS, or you should press some keys to select the boot device at boot.
On my computer, you can do it by pressing ESC during the computer startup, immediately after pressing the power button, press it some times, till you reach the boot device selection page, then select your USB device (on some other computers you should use F2, F10 or F12 instead of ESC)
31 From Tony -
I for the life of me cannot even get this to boot on a usb drive. I ran the .bat file and it said it made my usb bootable but when i run it from the bios nothing appears just a blank screen. Any help would be greatly appreciated, im new to gentoo linux and not really sure how to go about installng this.
32 From TracyP -
Fired up this morning on an Acer AspireOne AO751h. The TouchPad requires a heavy finger to run smoothly. Any options for getting this to be a lighter touch?
33 From TracyP -
Nevermind, seems I need to use a different finger on the touch pad.
@Tony - If you are on Windows Vista or 7, the .bat file will need administrative privileges.
34 From Christian Lorandi -
thank you for the answer to Tony :-)
about the AO751h touchpad... i tested it, and you are right, gotta make some tests to try to fix it, it's not properly a bug, but the interaction with the touchpad on that model is a little bit difficult
i will try to tweak the /etc/X11/xorg.conf.psb
35 From tista -
Hi Christian.
did you remember me?
now we had released new EMGD 1.6.1-1952 for Ubuntu.
then I want you and your users to join some performance test.
yeah that's easy. to run gtkperf only. you have?
because now I'm referring to 2D performance profiling on vairous distro.
if felet free, post your results here and I would pick them up from here.
36 From Christian Lorandi -
hi, i read your posts on the ubuntu forum gma500 thread some times :-)
i will make the test during this weekend, i will also try to implement the emgd-1.6 (i didn't see them before)
37 From Christian Lorandi -
Test on PixieLive2-RC1 - EMGD-1.5.2 - ASUS EEEPc 1101HA
GtkEntry - time: 0.26
GtkComboBox - time: 5.48
GtkComboBoxEntry - time: 3.94
GtkSpinButton - time: 2.11
GtkProgressBar - time: 2.08
GtkToggleButton - time: 2.52
GtkCheckButton - time: 0.75
GtkRadioButton - time: 1.13
GtkTextView - Add text - time: 3.87
GtkTextView - Scroll - time: 3.94
GtkDrawingArea - Lines - time: 3.63
GtkDrawingArea - Circles - time: 204.40
GtkDrawingArea - Text - time: 19.22
GtkDrawingArea - Pixbufs - time: 1.55
Total time: 254.89
the circle time is so long, strange...
38 From tista -
yeah we had also issues on "drawing circles".. and I hadn't any solutions for it..
anyway thanks again Christian! lol
39 From Christian Lorandi -
@TracyP @ Tanino:
i made a new version of the touchpad driver, try it and let me know if it works better on your computer please
download: xf86-input-synaptics-1.4.0.lzm
40 From Tanino -
I replaced previous xf86-input... file with the new version. I have found maybe a slight improvement (I don't know if Tracy will agree), but for sure the problem isn't completely solved (as it was in PixieLive1.1beta2).
Best regards,
41 From Timlastar -
Unable to make the how-to "install on usb drive" ...
/boot/dos/PixieLiv.bat doesn't like 64bits-OS and
I got the error "LINLD need 386+ CPU in real mode or under VCPI manager" ...
Thanks for your help
42 From Christian Lorandi -
I'm sorry, i'm not expert in windows, may be you should try to use compatibility mode set to WinXP
43 From asndo -
The brightness regulation does not work and everything is too dark to make it usable for me. I am working on EEEPC 1201HA.
44 From Christian Lorandi -
have you tried the hotkeys? the panel is not working, but with the keyboard it should be ok
45 From asndo -
The maximum on hotkeys is still darker than the brightness level I used on the previous version of pixie (which was not however the maximal level there). Is there something you could do about that?
46 From Christian Lorandi -
i don't know what to make about your brightness,
in the next release (3.0) i just started to work on (kernel-2.6.38) a driver for GMA500 brightness should be included, but with kernel 2.6.36 i don't see any solution