Download: PixieLive4.iso
Highlights: replaced drobox (15 GB of free online storage, +5 GB if you register using this Link)- As usual Pixielive supports GMA500 (a.k.a Poulsbo) graphic cards with both EMGD 1.18 binary drivers and the free modesetting (gma500_gfx)
- nVidia Optimus supported out of the box
- Claws-mail (lightweight email client which saves automatically on you pendrive)
- Multi-User live system
- Settings saved in several different ways (if the boot device is writable):
- some directories in the $HOME are linked in the PixieLive4 directory on your pendrive (Desktop, Documents, Downloads, Music, Pictures, Templates, Videos)
- on demand save settings (for normal settings, as usual in PixieLive)
- live changes, for data and settings which change frequently (email thunderbird and claws-mail, replacing dropbox, it syncs on your..., sticky notes, calibre, torrents, calendar osmo, wifi networks)
- encrypted settings (for sensitive data browsers, email, settings,...)
- encrypted storage (~/Private directory encrypted, so you can safely save your sensitive documents on you pendrive)
Cheatcodes (to be specified on the bootloader "blue" screen):
- noload=packages,list --> do not load the specified .lzm modules (e.g. noload=emgd -> do not load emgd module)
- Xres=1024x768 --> change the default X resolution (for EMGD drivers only)
- changes=DIRECTORY --> save all the changes into a target directory instead of PixieLive4 (using multiple changes directories you can create a multi-user system)
As usual PixieLive comes with a big software selection:
- Desktop environments:
- Gnome-2.32 (default)
- Enlightenment-0.17
- Openbox
- Development:
- arduino
- gcc
- qt-creator
- Games:
- Crack-attack
- Battle for Wesnoth
- Hedgewars (Worms-like game)
- ZSnes (SNES emulator)
- Graphics:
- Darktable (RAW images editor)
- GIMP-2.8 (Image editor)
- Geeqie (Image Viewer)
- Gtkam (Download your images from the camera)
- Inkscape (Vector graphics editor)
- Editors:
- gVim
- Emacs
- Office:
- Calibre (E-book library manager)
- Freemind (Mind-mapping software)
- LibreOffice-4 (Free office suite)
- LaTeX
- Lyx (Frontend for LaTeX)
- Osmo (Personal Organizer)
- Scribus (Professional Desktop Publishing, CMYK for offset printing)
- Texmaker (LaTeX development Environment)
- TeXstudio (LaTeX development Environment)
- Internet:
- Chromium (Open-source version of Google Chrome web browser)
- Claws-mail (Mail reader)
- (Online files syncing)
- Deluge (BitTorrent client)
- FileZilla (FTP client)
- Firefox (Web broswer, for license problems called Aurora in PixieLive)
- Liferea (News, feed RSS reader)
- Opera (Web browser)
- Pidgin (Chat and istant messaging)
- Skype (Chat, instant
messaging and VoIP client)
**Thunderbird (Mail and news reader, for license problems called EarlyBird in PixieLive)
- Multimedia:
- Audacity (Record and edit audio files)
- Cheese (Take photos and videos with the webcam)
- Mplayer (Media player)
- Rhythmbox (Audio player and organizer)
- Network Analysis:
- Aircrack-ng
- Ettercap
- Kismet
- Metasploit
- Nmap
- Reaver
- Zenmap
- Wireshark
- Academic/Statistic Analisys:
- Gnuplot
- Octave
- R
- Various:
- Docky (The finest dock no money can buy)
- Wine (For windows programs)
- GParted (Partition manager)
- To install it to an USB pendrive follow this guide
- You can change users passwords and save them with the "Save System Settings (/etc)" program
- Default user:
- Username: pixielive
- Password: pixielive
- Default root access:
- Username: root
- Password: toor
- Default user:
*If you want to tank me for my work, registering a free account at you will obtain 20GB of free online storage and they will add 5GB to my account.
*You should use the client once (the one provided with PixieLive4 is ok, or download and install it from the website) to obtain the 5GB bonus.
Download: PixieLive4.iso
- I decline any liability for persons, property damage or especially direct, indirect, immediate or subsequent pecuniary loss which may result from the use of PixieLive4. Especially excluded is liability for hardware damage, loss of data, alteration of data, or downtime.
1 From REM -
Thanks for your working!. I'll try it for my Poulsbo.
Greetings from Argentina!-
2 From REM -
Sorry: Can you put it in MEGA o something like this?. There's no seeds on torrents in all day. Thanks!.
3 From Christian Lorandi -
actually there are 5 seeders up and running, may be your ISP is filtering your torrent traffic...
Anyway, this is a link to the file on, but don't forget to register using my referral link to get 20GB of free storage (to obtain the 5GB bonus you must install the client at least once, or use the one provided with PixieLive): PixieLive4.iso
Thank you, Christian
4 From KRoBot -
Can you make a new How to install on HDD ???
on new version i dont have boot/initrd.gz ..
5 From Senza Vega -
Hello from France !
Seems to me great and beautiful !
I have only a problem with my wireless card. There is not (yet) a forum ?
in fact, I do not know how and where do I must looking for ?!
Have a nice day, best regards
6 From Christian Lorandi -
@Senza Vega: there is no forum, but you can use these comments.
Can you post your wireless card model please?
If possible post the output of the command "
/usr/sbin/lspci -n
" please, so I can check if i can compile a new kernel including the support for your cardChristian
7 From vergence -
I tried PixieLive4 on Sony Vaio P25.
"emgdgui" doesn't show 1600x768.
I tried kernel option "Xemgd=1600x768 mem=1900mb", but there was no difference.
8 From Senza Vega -
thanks for your answer !
The card is broadcom 802.11.n
Here is the result of /usr/sbin/lspci -n :
00:00.0 0600: 8086:0104 (rev 09)
00:02.0 0300: 8086:0116 (rev 09)
00:14.0 0c03: 8086:1e31 (rev 04)
00:16.0 0780: 8086:1e3a (rev 04)
00:1a.0 0c03: 8086:1e2d (rev 04)
00:1b.0 0403: 8086:1e20 (rev 04)
00:1c.0 0604: 8086:1e10 (rev c4)
00:1c.1 0604: 8086:1e12 (rev c4)
00:1c.3 0604: 8086:1e16 (rev c4)
00:1d.0 0c03: 8086:1e26 (rev 04)
00:1f.0 0601: 8086:1e59 (rev 04)
00:1f.2 0106: 8086:1e03 (rev 04)
00:1f.3 0c05: 8086:1e22 (rev 04)
02:00.0 0280: 14e4:4727 (rev 01)
03:00.0 0200: 1969:1090 (rev 10)
Thanks again, best regards
9 From vergence -
I changed xorg.conf, and now i could see 1600x768 screen on vaio p25.
I'll share the xorg.conf file later.
10 From Christian Lorandi -
11 From Christian Lorandi -
12 From Senza Vega -
thanks a lot, I appreciate that !
Best regards
13 From Christian Lorandi -
14 From Christian Lorandi -
15 From Senza Vega -
Hello Christian,
works fine ! it's great !
I write this message with PixieLive 4
Thanks again, I explore it now.
Best regards
16 From vergence -
@Christian Lorandi
I have tried to compile emgd kernel module of emgd-1.18 in Linux Mint 16(Linux 3.11.0-12-generic).
I think Makefile must be changed.
Can you share how you compiled emgd kernel module?
17 From Christian Lorandi -
i never used kernels <=3.10, take a look at
18 From dan -
Noob alert!
How do I create live usb with the image. I am using ubuntu 12.04. The startup disk creater does not detect Pixilive4.iso. All help appreciated
19 From Christian Lorandi -
take a look on the How-To install on USB Pendrive
20 From szabolor -
@Christian Lorandi
I really appreciate your work with pixielive, you made my vaio p enjoyable again!
Now I'd like to use emgd driver (the bottleneck of all linux on vaio p) within a "real" installable distribution.
Can you help me how could I create a permanent system with kernel >=3.8 and a working emgd driver?
Anyway I have working 1600x768 xorg.conf setting to vaio p (correct timing, sync signal, etc...).
21 From KRoBot -
Hello my friends,
how can i add the 1600x768 Resolution.
22 From Christian Lorandi -
if you are using the EMGD driver probably you can use the Xres=1600x768 cheatcode (add it after pressing [TAB] in the bootloader screen) but probably szabolor could give us more details or a better solution...
Short Answer: You can't
Long Answer:
The EMGD driver requires xorg < 1.10 which is usually difficult to have on normal distributions due to some dependencies issues.
About the emgd patches for kernel-3.8 you can find a link in my previous comments
The easiest way is to extract the PixieLive4 lzm modules into your target partition and use PixieLive4 like a standard distribution, it will take some time and manual refinements to work properly, but if you know Gentoo you can do it
Please, give us your 1600x768 solution
23 From szabolor -
Sorry, I am very busy nowadays (exams...)
Here is my working xorg.conf file
(the parameters are the same I use on windows, so it does not flash and does not do banding-effect like ubuntu with gma500 kernel module)
Boot with "Preserve custom xorg.conf" (or something like that) flag and just copy the file to /etc/X11/ (overwrite the previous one). Then switch to tty (ctrl + alt + f1), login as root (pwd: toor) and 'killall gdm', then 'gdm'. It worked for me ;)
Anyway the brightness control doesn't work for me,but I can't remember if it has worked ever... (TODO)
(for me the Xres=... command doesn't work at all)
@Christian Lorandi
Thank you for your answer! Could you give hints what should be manually fixed after copying the lzm file's content to the partition?
1st essential point is grub: there's nothing in /boot (at the live OS), how can I boot?
What other customization are there in the core distro (without non-essential modules)?
Basically: can you share your work as an open source project? (I would definitely contribute to an open source PixieLive!)
Now PixieLive is "half-opened, half-closed": you do things (upgrade, install, fine-tune, etc...) and publish as-is. Don't misunderstood me, what you've done is really cool, but this project is too good to be kept only for the developer.
Some detailed description of creating the core system and modules are badly needed.
Thank you for your comprehension!
24 From Christian Lorandi -
after the extraction you have to create it manually and use grub-install to fill it, then you have to copy the kernel (PixieLive4/boot/vmlinuz) there and to create the grub /YOURPARTITION/boot/grub/menu.lst
but the system won't boot, properly, there is something I missed... i need to investigate... :-D
there is not much besides of what you can already find in PixieLive4, most of the scripts are included (they are not compiled nor obfuscated), the reason why I never released the script I use to compile the system is simple: it takes too much time to give support to users wanting to build their own PixieLive
anyway, I will setup a git repository asap with the building scripts, so at least who is interested can download everything, and possibly rewrite my ugly scripts :-)
25 From Daniel -
It seems sony-laptop module is missing from the kernel modules. It is needed to adjust the display brightness on Sony laptops like the small P model. Can you update it to the release and also maybe compile the module so Sony P users can download it from somewhere. It seems that there is no kernel sources with Pixie?
26 From Christian Lorandi -
are already built in the kernel, if you think it may help i could add
the kernel source is the aufs-kernel from gentoo: no additional patches were added
27 From Daniel -
Yes I think that could help.
Take a look this site.
Changing backlight brightness works with other distros I have used. They use that kernels gma500 driver but if it uses this sony chip to control the brightness then it might help. Don't know if it uses the intel way. But then it would be kind a stupid that intel's gfx driver cannot change brightness and the one in kernel (open-source can)
28 From Christian Lorandi -
try this (replace it in the boot directory) and let me know if it works (I'm not sure it will work without replacing the whole lib directory, but it should)
29 From Daniel -
Still it doesn't work. What might be the reason.
/sys/class/backlight/sony/brightness is the file what could be used to set the brightness. It just doesn't change it.
It works straight on Crunchbang linux with kernel GMA500 driver.
30 From xxx -
Gonna try it for my Poulsbo for sure. Thanks buddy for the great work.
31 From Christian Lorandi -
did you try the GMA500 driver in PixieLive? you can use it by disabling binary drivers on the bootloader screen
possibly the brightness will work with that driver also on pixielive
32 From Daniel -
dmesg shows this line.
sony_laptop: brightness ignored, must be controlled by ACPI video driver
Maybe it helps a bit.
33 From Christian Lorandi -
Try adding:
34 From Johan -
Hi. I'm trying PixieLive on a Viewsonic Viewpad 10pi tablet with the very troublesome GMA600 graphics chip (yes, I know I shouldn't even try, but there is a guy currently working with that very chip on the linux kernel, in fact the Intel Minnowboard, so there is some small hope for better 2D acceleration for future kernels). I can get PixieLive to run in graphics mode by manually modprobing gma500_gfx and then running gdm-restart. But I don't know how to automatically load the module. I can't modify the kernel arguments, because at the very time when the PixieLive blue screen shows up, my keyboard is not working. Only a few hardware buttons on the tablet itself, up, down and enter work. Using the hardware buttons, I can select to use only open source drivers, but it doesn't help. There is the same keyboard problem with the Viewsonic grub menu (the tablet is dual-boot Windows 7 and Android) . So I don't know how to force loading of the GMA module, when I can't press tab or write anything at that point.
Another problem is that the SD card on this tablet is not recognized by the kernel. It boots until the message "Live Kit init .. Looking for PixieLive4 data in /PixieLive4...." and stops with a command prompt. Booting with an USB stick works fine, but dmesg doesn't show any sign of the SD card.
35 From Christian Lorandi -
36 From Jamie -
Trying the custom xorg.conf with a Vaio P11Z (as getting only 80% screen usage and 20% to the right black) however not getting GUI login, dropping me straight to login terminal prompt. Any ideas? Any help much appreciated.
37 From Christian Lorandi -
since I don't have a Sony Vaio i cannot help without additional informations, could you put the X log (from /var/log) on
than you, Christian
38 From Jamie -
Thanks for your reply - sorry for not getting back sooner, been distracted by other things! Xorg log is here after specifying cheatcode of 1600x768 ...
39 From Christian Lorandi -
unfortunately there are no errors in the log...
apparently nobody is able to get pixielive working on the Vaio P11Z
about the X reboot, i experienced the same error only when running Xorg on a system with a different architecture (running graphis drivers compiled specifically for Atoms on an AMD 64bits CPU) but theoretically your architecture should be OK so...
I'm sorry but i don't know how to help you