After a long time, PixieLive is back with a brand new release candidate. Most of the requested features were added (Chinese websites support, docky, rhythmbox, calibre, various network drivers). As usual the gma500 (a.k.a. poulsbo, psb) is supported (using the emgd-1.16 driver)
- Settings saved in several different ways (if the boot device is writable):
- some directories in the $HOME are mounted in the PixieLive3RC1 directory on your pendrive (Desktop, Documents, Downloads, Music, Pictures, Templates, Videos)
- on demand save settings (for normal settings, as usual in PixieLive)
- live changes, for data and settings which change frequently (email {yes we have thunderbird}, dropbox {yes, it saves on your pendrive}, sticky notes, calibre, torrents, calendar {osmo}, wifi networks)
- encrypted settings (for sensitive data {browsers, email, dropbox settings, pidgin, skype, filezilla, wifi passwords})
- encrypted storage (~/Private directory encrypted, so you can safely save your sensitive documents on you pendrive)
- Dropbox (which saves automatically on you pendrive)
- Thunderbird (which saves automatically on you pendrive)
- Enlightenment (ultra light desktop environment)